Java Tutorial: Invoking Methods in Different Classes

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Java Tutorial: Invoking Methods in Different Classes

Java, renowned for its object-oriented principles, empowers developers to create robust and modular applications by designing classes that encapsulate data and behavior. One of the cornerstones of this paradigm is the ability to call methods from one class within another, facilitating code reuse, readability, and maintainability. Whether you’re a novice programmer seeking to understand the fundamentals or an experienced developer aiming to refine your skills, grasping the art of method invocation across classes is essential.

In this article, we embark on a journey through the mechanics of calling methods from different classes in Java. By the end of this guide, you’ll not only possess a clear understanding of how method invocation works but also wield the expertise to seamlessly integrate functionality between Java classes. So, fasten your seatbelt and prepare to elevate your object-oriented programming prowess to new heights.

Exploring Method Invocation Across Java Classes

Within the realm of Java programming, methods serve as the foundational cornerstone, enabling the encapsulation of intricate instructions into a singular entity that can be summoned by a solitary identifier. This paradigm is pivotal in sculpting your codebase, infusing it with modularity, structure, and reusability. The utilization of methods facilitates the dissection of convoluted undertakings into more manageable fragments of code. This augmentation not only elevates the legibility of your program but also fosters the propagation of code reuse and the sustenance of codebase manageability.

Unveiling the Imperative to Summon Methods from Alternate Classes

In the Java landscape, the evolution of your programs towards heightened complexity underscores the necessity of partitioning your codebase into an assemblage of distinct classes, orchestrating superior organization and an exquisite partitioning of concerns. Each distinct class is bestowed with its repertoire of methods, dutifully engaged in specific missions. Nevertheless, scenarios arise where the requisition of methods stipulated within one class emanates from a divergent class. This confluence proves particularly valuable when the aspiration is to harness pre-existing functionalities sans the replication of code segments, thereby assuring that any revisions or augmentations bequeathed upon a method reverberate harmoniously throughout the entirety of the program.

Invoking methods from divergent classes bequeaths the capacity to craft an architectural framework teeming with modularity and adaptability. This fosters the ability to compartmentalize sundry functionalities, imparting a harmonious rhythm to your codebase, rendering it amenable to comprehensive comprehension and facile maintenance. Through the assimilation of methods scattered across a mosaic of classes, you erect a network of code constituents that engage in a symphony of collaboration, seamlessly harmonizing their efforts to fulfill the program’s grand design.

Contemplate a scenario wherein the construction of a banking application is underway. Various classes might materialize, each representing a diverse facet – customers, accounts, and transactions, all entwined in the narrative. The execution of a transaction mandates a delicate dance with the customer’s account intertwined with the tapestry of transaction particulars. Instead of embarking on a voyage of code composition within a solitary class, the avenue of least resistance materializes through the cultivation of distinct methods, ensconced within their respective class domains, ripe for invocation at the hour of need. This orchestrational finesse not only safeguards the orderliness of your code but also paves the way for streamlined amendments and tweaks down the temporal horizon.

In summation, the endeavor to invoke methods residing within distinct classes in the Java ecosystem stands as a pivotal technique, birthing structures that are modular, organized, and imbued with efficiency. The underpinning principle is one of code renaissance, orchestrating an environment wherein code upkeep is a pleasurable ballet, a choreography between components facilitated with elegance. This symphony of interaction propels your application towards its zenith, nestled within the tapestry of methodologies and strategies that we shall unfurl in the forthcoming segments, an exploration that delves into the artistry of invoking methods from an alternate class within the Java tapestry.

Invoking Methods Across Java Classes: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of Java programming, the process of invoking methods from one class to another holds paramount significance. This guide unveils the intricacies of calling methods with varying access modifiers – default, static, public, protected, and private – elucidating how each method type can be harnessed to seamlessly interact between classes. Brace yourself for an enlightening journey through the world of Java method invocation.

Calling a Default Method from Another Class: Expanding Accessibility Boundaries

Default methods, an essential aspect of Java classes, reside at the crossroads of accessibility. They lack explicit modifiers, signifying package-private status. These methods exhibit accessibility within their residing package but remain concealed from classes beyond it.

Enhancing this comprehension, consider the following class snippets:

class Bird {

    void printName() {

        System.out.println(“Smallest bird is: Hummingbird”);



public class Animal {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Bird obj = new Bird();




Upon execution, the output gracefully reveals the smallest bird: “Smallest bird is: Hummingbird.”

Unveiling Static Method Invocations: Direct Access Across Classes

Static methods usher in a unique dynamic, accessible sans the creation of class objects. Inherently, static methods navigate through static data with ease while relying on instances for access to instance data.

For a vivid portrayal, delve into the code snippet below:

class Star {

    static void printInfo() {

        System.out.println(“Our galaxy name is: Milky way galaxy”);



public class Galaxy {

    public static void main(String[] args) {




Executing this snippet results in the enlightening proclamation: “Our galaxy name is: Milky way galaxy.”

Public Methods: Unleashing the Power of Accessibility

Public methods, a manifestation of accessibility, transcend class boundaries with an open invitation to invocation. These methods harmonize within their package domain while extending a welcoming embrace to external classes.

Peruse the following example for an insightful experience:

class Student {

    public void Name() {

        System.out.println(“Student name is: Joe”);



public class School {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Student st = new Student();




Upon execution, the output reverberates: “Student name is: Joe.”

Unearthing the Protected Method Realm: A Subclass’s Privileged Access

The enigmatic realm of protected methods unveils a hierarchy-based privilege. Such methods succumb to the influence of inheritance, rendering them accessible solely within a subclass’s realm.

Explore this phenomenon through the following illustrative snippet:

class Staff {

    protected void getName() {

        System.out.println(“Teacher name is: Alice”);



public class Teacher extends Staff {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Teacher t1 = new Teacher();




Upon execution, the name of the teacher resonates: “Teacher name is: Alice.”

Unlocking Private Method Access: Reflection’s Mysterious Pathway

Private methods, elusive in their accessibility, can be unveiled using the mystical realm of reflection. This facet demands careful navigation through the getDeclaredMethod(), setAccessible(), and invoke() methods, weaving an intricate tapestry of accessibility.

Embark on this reflective journey through the following snippet:

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

class Demo {

    private void printData() {

        System.out.println(“Private Method called from another Class”);



public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Demo d = new Demo();

        Method m = Demo.class.getDeclaredMethod(“printData”);





As the code unfolds, the clandestine private method emerges, echoing: “Private Method called from another Class.”


In the symphony of Java method invocation, understanding the spectrum of accessibility is quintessential. From default to private, each method type plays a distinct role in enabling seamless interaction between classes. Armed with this knowledge, you’re poised to navigate the intricate pathways of Java programming with finesse and precision.


In conclusion, mastering the art of calling a method from another class in Java is an essential skill for any aspiring programmer. This process lies at the heart of object-oriented programming and enables the creation of modular, organized, and efficient codebases. By following the techniques outlined in this article, such as understanding access modifiers, creating instances, and utilizing inheritance, you can seamlessly bridge the gap between classes and harness the full power of Java’s capabilities.